Whether you are brand new to the “church thing” or you’ve been around church for a while, we want to say welcome. Our goal during worship services at First Baptist Church is to create space for you to encounter God: by being part of the community, by singing, by praying, by reading Scripture together & by exploring its meaning for our life today.
We also hope to provide opportunities for you to go deeper in the exploration of Scripture, to know one another through times of fellowship, and to find ways to match your gifts with ways to serve in our faith community & the greater Lafayette community.
Gathering Times
Sunday Mornings
9:00 a.m. – Early Morning Coffee
9:30 a.m. – Worship
10:30 a.m. – Coffee & Fellowship
11:00 a.m. – Sunday School
a place where faith is unbounded
Who Are We?

Being the church means our faith is unbounded.
what we do
Our Mission
Our History
Our Youngest Worshippers
During the worship hour, children in kindergarten and younger are invited to stay in the nursery, where they will be watched by experienced childcare professionals. (But of course, they are also welcome to be part of worship in the sanctuary- it's the parent's choice!) Beginning with Sundays in December 2018, there will be a special children's message early in the service. All children are invited to come to the front pew to learn with Pastor Lisa. (and then these youngest worshippers will be escorted to the nursery immediately following this time in the service each week.)
The nursery is located right off the entrance closest to the parking lot. Please sign your children in and out each Sunday. Children's Sunday School follows the worship hour, coinciding with the adult Sunday School hour.
Children in first grade and older are invited to join us in the sanctuary for worship as they learn the basics to be life-long worshippers. There are worship bags available to borrow in the pews closest to the doors, and beginning with Sundays in December 2018, there will be a special children's message early in the service. All children are invited to come to the front pew to learn with Pastor Lisa, and then return to their seats.