About this Sermon |

In the story of Abraham & Sarah, we learn that between the promises made by God in chapter 12 and the delivery (finally!) of baby Isaac in chapter 21, the parents-to-be have been stuck in a 25 year long liminal time.  We see them attempting to come up with solutions that make sense to them.  Their lack of imagination about what God can do is something we struggle with, too.  What do we lack the imagination to see that God can do in our lives and in our world?

About this Series |

The Summer Between: Adventures in Liminality

liminality [lim-uhnal-i-tee]: a state of transition between one stage and the next.

The Summer of 2020 finds us in the threshold between what was and what is yet to come. In the midst of a global pandemic, we are somewhere between lockdown and vaccine. In terms of civic life, we are somewhere between unrest and revolution.

What do people of faith do in liminal times like these?

Join First Baptist Church this summer for hope and perspective as Pastor Lisa Hood takes us on a journey through the scriptures, discovering how our spiritual ancestors navigated liminal times, and applying biblical truths for the living of these days.


Order of Worship |

(Start of each segment in parentheses)

(00:00) PreludeMelanie Manges

(02:48) Welcome to Worship – Sylvia Mohler

(03:40) Gathering Song – “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying”  #489

Lord, listen to your children praying,
Lord, send your Spirit in this place;
Lord, listen to your children praying,
Send us love, send us power, send us grace. (repeat)

(05:00) Call to Worship – Psalm 100, from The Message by Eugene Peterson

On your feet now – applaud God!
Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence.
Know this: God is God. He made us; we didn’t make Him.
We’re his people, his well-tended sheep.
Enter with the password: “Thank you!”
Make yourselves at home, talking praise.
Thank Him. Worship Him.
For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever.

(06:07) Hymn of Praise “Shout to the Lord” 93

    1. My Jesus, my Savior, Lord there is none like you.
      All of my days, I want to praise the wonders of your mighty love.
    2. My comfort, my shelter, tower of refuge and strength.
      Let every breath, all that I am, never cease to worship you.(Refrain) Shout to the Lord, all the earth, let us sing;
      Power and majesty, praise to the King.
      Mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of your name.
      I sing for joy at the work of your hands;
      Forever I’ll love you, forever I’ll stand.
      Nothing compares to the promise I have in you.

(07:44) Invitation to Prayer – Rev. Hood

Harriet Coppoc, flutist

(10:25) Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer Rev. Hood

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name,
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

(13:38) Scripture Reading Genesis 17:1-8, 15-17; Genesis 18:11-14a

(16:38) Sermon“Adventures in Liminality: Between Promise & Delivery” – Rev. Hood

(34:42) Special Music – “Borning Cry” Harriet Coppic, flutist; Gordon Coppoc, reader

  1. I was there to hear your borning cry, I’ll be there when you are old.I rejoiced the day you were baptized to see your life unfold.I was there when you were but a child with a faith to suit you well;In a blaze of light you wandered off to find where demons dwell.
  2. When you heard the wonder of the word I was there to cheer you on.You were raised to praise the living Lord to whom you now belong.If you find someone to share your time, and you join your hearts as one,
    I’ll be there to make your verses rhyme from dusk till rising sun.
  3. In the middle ages of your life, not too old, no longer young,I’ll be there to guide you through the night, complete what I’ve begun.When the evening gently closes in and you shut your weary eyes, I’ll be there as I have always been with just one more surprise.

(39:14) Offering & Announcements

(43:06) BenedictionRev. Hood

(43:51) Postlude – Melanie Manges

Worship Leaders in this Service:

  • Melanie Manges, Piano
  • Gordon Coppoc, Worship Leader & Vocals
  • Harriet Coppoc, Flutist
  • Mr. Matt Hood, Director of Music Ministry
  • Rev. Lisa Williams Hood, Senior Pastor
  • Mr. Aurie Swartz, Director of Communications & Technology

CCLI Copyright License #11332885
CCLI Streaming License #20427736

Contact / Location

Contact info

Monday through Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

411 N 7th St, Lafayette, IN 47901

Gathering Times

9:00 a.m. - Early Morning Coffee Social
9:30 a.m. - Worship
10:30 a.m. - Coffee & Fellowship
11:00 a.m. - Sunday School

Events / Calendar